We encourage all children to wear our simple and inexpensive school uniform.
- Maroon sweatshirt with school logo
- Gold polo shirt (generic or with school logo)
- Black skirt, pinafore dress or trousers
- White/black socks or black tights
- Black shoes/trainers
- Wellies/outdoor shoes
- In the summer, a yellow and white checked dress is optional
- Maroon sweatshirt with school logo
- Gold polo shirt (generic or with school logo)
- Black long or short trousers
- Black shoes/trainers
- Wellies/outdoor shoes
There are no uniform requirements for nursery children, but there is an option to wear a navy sweatshirt with the school logo which can be purchased from Thomas Moore's.
chool polo shirts, sweatshirts and jumpers can be ordered from Thomas Moore's in Exeter, just type East Worlington into the search box to bring up the range of products. Please see our Administrator for a price list, or visit the Thomas Moore link above.
We also stock a wide range of good-quality second-hand uniform at the school.
Please ensure that your child wears appropriate shoes at school - fashion shoes, boots, high-heeled shoes, open- toed sandals and plimsolls are all unsuitable for school wear.
Due to outdoor/Forest education being one of our guiding principles, all children must bring a pair of named wellies or trainers for outdoor use.
PE Kit
On the days children have PE, they will come to school in their PE kits.
All children should have a named PE bag with the following kit at school each day:
Black shorts or leggings (plain), gold T-shirt or polo-shirt, trainers.
Please ensure that all clothing and sports equipment is labelled clearly.
For younger children, a separate change of clothes/underwear to be kept in school is advisable.